Personally, I’m very disappointed about the some Python community people/projects.
It’s been years that PEP 3000(the year was 2006) came up, but we need to wait years until Python 3.11(the year was 2022) to get real performance improvements? Why people keep using Python and spending lots of time to add typing which doesn’t have run time check instead of rewriting codes in Go to get huge speed up while enjoying static language’s safe static type?
Over the past few years, it’s a torment for me that I had to handle Python package dependencies very carefully to prevent a sub-dependency of a particular package from being incompatible with existing dependencies, leading to a packaging failure. Have anyone know that Pallets could introduce a breaking change in minor version frequently?
I don’t want to blame any Python developers or countless open-source project maintainers, I just hope you know when Go can easily handle simple CRUD works, when Rust can effortlessly perform Python’s performance optimization tasks, at least I, have no responsibility or obligation to waste my time dealing with the compatibility issues caused by your horrendous and outdated design.
Python gave me my first offer, and I really appreciate and keep to figure out what cause Python so bad for my work. After years of searching, I found no body.
It’s group’s style which cause the problem, not GIL, not PEP 572, not the PEP 3000, not Guido.